Do you want to share your opinion about Adaptive mobility? Health? Vitality? Games and play? Internet of things? Elderly care? Seamless interaction? Transformative practices? Everyday soft things?

Do you want to use the gathered opinions and emotions in your designs? Or do you want to contribute to Design through Public as a designer, click here for more information!

Start playing and share your opinion!

By sharing your opinion and felt emotions throughout the games, you help designers create a future that all layers of society desire! Share your reaction to the visuals shown within the game and contribute to a brighter future!

The games are only accessible on computers.

What is Design Through Public?

Design Through Public enables both society and designers to interact with each other in an early phase of the design process. With the help of two games, you are enabled to share your opinion about future visions of designers. Designers can make use of the results and adjust their vision towards a design society desires!