Design researchers within the field of reflective and thus critical design and experiences expressed there need for new objective ways to evaluate the reactions of the users towards their designs. Since reflective design practices and theory is fairly young compared to the conducted research in user-product experiences, it can be fruitful to see where reflective design can build upon the findings within user-product experiences. For example, well-established evaluation methods such as PrEmo or the Geneva Emotion Wheel can be applied in an early stage of the design process of reflective design. This way, the reaction can be provoked in the exploratory phase and evaluated with metrics. In addition, using the preliminary findings of the biometric data (for example IRT, emotion recognition using facial expressions) might create an unconscious interaction between the users -public- and the designers which hopefully sparks the needed conversation.
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The theory behind Design Through Public
Motivation and vision
Wiebe Audenaerd
Motivation and vision to start Design Through Public
I believe a designer is the public watchdog that always sets the evolvement of the society at the very top. I envision designers to be responsible to introduce society to new forms of technological development that will have effect on more people than just the buyer or user of the invention. Self Driving autonomous cars are a profound example of this kind of innovation since these machines operate within public places. Forming an opinion about innovations that will change the world is not complicated and can be done by everyone as long as there are means to react upon. It is the task of the designer to design and present these means to spark the -in my opinion- needed dialogue between designers and the public. However, starting this conversation is not as easy as it may sound. The society does not know where and how they should share their opinion, even once their reaction is provoked. Furthermore, designers tend to only present fully developed visions and prototypes instead of ideas in the early stage of a design process. In addition, the environment in which the presentation of the design is currently taken place, is not embracing the dialogue but creates a certain distance.
This stimulates me to start the movement Design Through Public. With the help of this movement,
I encourage all designers and the public to participate in the needed conversation about the future of the world. Let us combine the knowledge, expertise and skills of the designers with human beings in a very early phase of a design process.
Design Through Public stands for enabling design practices to make use of the public’s opinion without the need for detailed prototypes. Furthermore, designing through public enables the public to participate within the design process at the early stages. It is required that the practices that rise out of the movement will enter both design processes in early stages and -in a subtle way-society. This way, both design and society will strengthen instead of harming each other.
The movement is not a guideline and will not force designers to limit their designs to please the public. In addition, the resulting dialogue is not meant to constrain the designer or the public in any way. I am aware of the fact that this movement might decrease the freedom of speech and work of designers in the long run. However, I do believe that reflecting on our role as a designer and accepting and building on the public’s opinion, within a fast-evolving world, is stronger than ignoring ethical norms and values by only pushing our own visions. In other words, there are no good and wrong answers and no consequences can arise. The only goal this movement and I endeavor for, is sparking the needed conversation.
Design Through Public should not be confused with Public Design. Where Public Design focuses on designing products and services that will be placed within the public space, Design Through Public focusses on sparking the conversation, enabling experience evaluation and creates a podium for both designers and all layers of society to address (future) design challenges.
I envision this movement to function as a stimulus and create direction for both designers and the public. Designers can make use of the movement by sharing their thoughts and examples with other designers.
Furthermore, the movement will also function as a database which a designer can consult to find out how the public is reacting on certain topics described within the HCI community.
To reach the public, this movement and its design practice needs to enter society in a very subtle way. I believe, to query all layers of society, an unconscious interaction within daily practices of the public has to take place. To do so, we can be inspired by other designers and their designs. In my opinion there are a lot of ways to spark debate and gather reactions (e.g. physical products, audio, animations, video, gamification, etc.). Figure 1 – 4 are examples of designs which sparks this debate, create awareness and let the public think. For example, the reaction about human-like robots in our society is provoked by the game Detroit: Become Human (fig. 1). Reflective reactions about our own body and technology used in the healthcare sector are provoked by BNN’s television show: De Grote Donorshow (fig. 2) (translated: The Big Donor Show) and Netflix’ Black Mirror (fig. 3) uses video to create (absurd) future scenarios to let the public reflect upon. Later on, Netflix launched a new version of Black Mirror called Bandersnatch (fig. 4) which enabled the spectator to influence the story based on its own ethical values and norms.
Abrahams, R. (2017, May 25). Reconstructie: De Grote Donorshow. Bouma, B. (2015, 6 november). Voedselpolitie adviseert meer thee: nu met bonus. Jobson, C. (2017, August 17). Traffic Light That Lets You Play Pong with Person on the Other Side Officially Installed in Germany. Retreived from Netflix. (2011). Black Mirror | Officiële Netflix-site. https://www. Netflix. (2018). Black Mirror: Bandersnatch | Officiële Netflix-site. Peppers, B. M. (2014, March 13). The bus stop that only heats up if you hold hands. article-2580327/A-bus-stop-heats-hold-hands-Shelter-powered-electrical-circuit-activated-human-connection.html Playstation. (2018). Detroit: Become Human. Retreived from Urban Invention. (n.d.). URBAN INVENTION | URBAN INVENTION – Invent the urban place. Retreivend from http://urban-invention. com